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Hi - me and my girlfriend really love your game. It's a really unique concept and very clever. She thinks the strategy of it is great and described it as 'addictive' - and has been trying to maximise her score for hours now. Thanks for releasing this and hope you have success with it. I know she'd play it on iphone if you released it on there if that's helpful to know. Thanks!

Thanks, that means a lot to me! I have an iphone myself but apple's $100/year fee is a bit much for me at the moment.
I've been working on a gameplay update, though :)

Can't wait to see it!

(1 edit)

Great (and addictive) game. Very unique concept (at least for me), and I really enjoyed the clean and intuitive presentation. And the card design was very nice too.
The most I could get was 77; and never could get to the end of the damned clubs haha.
Only thing I would add would be an "undo", as I kept hard locking myself into a fail near the end of a run; and I felt that didn't quite go with the chill vibe of the game.
Love it :) 

Thanks! The idea for the concept was to fuse some of my favorite board games.

The highest score I've heard of was somewhere in the 90s. It's possible!

I've been working on an update for quite some time, I'll see if I can include undo functionality :)